
Welcome to my blog. I am so excited to finally have a place for people to come and see what I have available. I have been cutting vinyl for 3 1/2 years and love it! I have had a lot of fun seeing the things everyone has come up with over the years. I love the name embellish, my husband came up with it. It means to enhance something and I feel that the vinyl will do exactly that. It provides and inexpensive way to enhance any part of your home.

I have created sections for you to browse through, there is vinyl graphics and sayings for everything from a nursery, to your kitchen or just a saying to display with your family pictures. I have also included a picture gallery of some designs I have do in the past and instructions on how to apply your vinyl.

To get started, simply find the design you are interested in. Each design will have more than one size. Find the size that is best for the area you are trying to embellish. Next choose a color. The designs that are both black and gray resemble a two color graphic. Choose one color for the gray part and one for the black. Email the name of the design, size and color(s) to vinylbyembellish@gmail.com and within a week you will receive you vinyl.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Custom Saying Prices

Custom Sayings

Pricing per character:
Size Price
.5” ................$.30
.75” ............. $.28
1” ................ $.24
1.25” ........... $.27
1.5” ............. $.32
1.75” ............ $.32
2” ................ $.32
2.5” ............. $.36
3” ................$.40
3.5” .............$.43
4” ............... $.46
4.5” ............ $.50
5” ................$.56
5.5” ............. $.68
6” ............... $.79
6.5” ............ $.85
7” ................$.98
8” .............. $1.12
9” ................$1.32
10” ............. $1.73
11” .............$2.10
12” ............. $2.17
13” .............$2.70
14” .............$2.80
15” ............. $3.48
16” .............$4.25
17” .............$4.25
18” .............$4.25
19” .............$4.75
20” ..............$4.75
21” ..............$6.30
22” ............. $6.30
23” ............. $6.30
24” ..............$6.30

*The height of the saying is
based on the tallest letter.
For example, if you tell me you
want a 4’”saying, your tallest
character will be 4” (most likely
those in caps) and every other
will be whatever your specific
font makes it.

*Don’t count spaces in saying
as a character.

*Pricing on smaller letters is
more because of the time it
takes to weed them.